We’re starting to seriously panic about the price of entry
to return to the US. Cell phone plans. Health insurance. A computer. A car??
Hair appointments. Dentist appointments. Clothes and shoes that haven’t been
worn every day for ten months. Living in the US, California especially, is
freaking EXPENSIVE!!
Our perspective on finances changes so much whenever we
travel. We’ve grown accustomed to spending no more than $2 on a meal. To not
having any bills. To paying someone $3 to do all of our laundry for us. I was
reading the menu of a new restaurant I want to try in LA, and noticed that not
a single glass of wine was under $15. FIFTEEN DOLLARS!! That would pay for a hotel
room in Vietnam. A nice one!
People often ask how we afford to travel like this. And the
short answer is, we save aggressively and spend prudently. We travel to really
affordable places where our monthly budget is a fraction of what it is at home.
We think carefully about every purchase and make sure it’s meaningful and worth
it before we splurge. We stick to our guns and don’t make exceptions for every
special circumstance (cause trust me, there are lots of them!)
But somehow, within weeks of living in LA, I know that a $15
glass of wine will feel normal again. Phone bills will be paid without a second
thought. Appointments and shopping trips just a swipe of a little piece of
As our arrival in the states grows closer, we are really
hoping to carry a little more of this mindfulness home with us. That we’ll seek
out and appreciate the cheap and free things to do in LA, just like we would if
we were travelers there. That the line between wants and needs will be almost
as clear as it is on the road. After I buy my new iPhone, that is.