Hellish week at work. Nothing out of the ordinary. The usual 11th hour comments, impossible deadlines, hours upon hours of hurry up and wait.
Last night, as I loosened the straps on my heels, looked over the dinner order menu and settled in for another late one, a sudden realization made it all the more bearable.
I have 20 more days of work. TWENTY.
20 more times do I have to wake up in the morning and immediately check for email on my blackberry. 20 more lunch breaks. 20 more days spent with a laptop in my lap. 20 more non-committal evenings (you can’t make advance plans in this industry, it’s too unpredictable).
Don’t get me wrong, I am a big fan of my job. I think I am incredibly lucky to do what I do for a living. But I think I am even luckier to just do the living part for a while ☺
Ummmmmm, excuse me madamoiselle, but you seem to have left out a VERY important detail from your splendid itinerary. I believe on February 17 you are supposed to have a dance and song accompanied by merriment and a plethora of pomp and circumstance for my BIRTHDAY! Thank you, that is all.