There I was. Sweating in a claustrophobic bathroom stall of
Mexico’s Cancun airport. Fluorescent lights buzzing harshly overhead. My and
Reece’s bags spread open on the dirty floor in front of me as I hastily
searched for good hiding places. Having watched enough episodes of Locked Up
Abroad, I reasoned that if we got caught, I might get into less trouble if I
had fewer packages on me. So with sweaty palms, I rushed open each plastic
baggie and condensed my contraband into fewer packages. Glancing up
occasionally to make sure there weren’t any cameras on me. As a seasoned
traveler, this is a position I never thought I’d find myself in. And I surely couldn’t
have expected that the contents I’d be smuggling, would be beef jerky.
Not just any beef jerky, you see. My mom’s special, home
made, better than any you’ve ever tasted beef jerky. The kind she lovingly
prepares for me before every trip, for as long as I’ve been taking them. We’ve
shared it with strangers at Burning Man. A mouse chewed through my backpack to
get a taste of it in Paris. It’s held us over in between meals on the Inca
Trail. No journey is complete without it.
While prepping for our most recent adventure, we were told
that snacks are hard to come by in Cuba. To bring as many dry goods as you
can squeeze into your bag, for nourishment in a land lacking convenience
stores. For this uncharted territory, we’d need EXTRA beef jerky. And granola
bars, dark chocolate and peanut butter. Our tiny carry on luggage was stuffed to
the brim with rations for the next six weeks. For this trip, we would
be prepared.
Imagine my horror as our flight from LA began its final descent, and the attendant announced, “Make sure to dispose of ALL
FOOD before you de-plane. Eat everything you have now, as you CANNOT take food
into Mexico. If you try, you WILL get in trouble. I repeat, DO NOT TAKE ANY
Um. Excuse me? WHAT?! I shot a panicked look at Reece. What do we do??
“Well, I guess we’ll show it to the customs official and ask
if we can keep it,” he suggested.
This stash was far too valuable. Visions of my mom’s hard
work in the garbage flashed in my head. $20 worth of Cliff bars, trashed. It
was too much to bear. Customs officials be damned. I wasn’t going to say a
Reece had already ticked the “no” box on the declaration form asking if we had any “animal products”. See, it’s easy to
accidentally overlook some innocent snacks! I’m sorry officer! I thought it was referring to fresh meat, not dried!
I was thinking of perishable food products! My bad! How many borders have I
crossed in the world with food on me, I rationalized. Most of the time they
just wave you through without even looking at your bag. I read that in Cancun
you simply push a button as you pass – green light go ahead, red light stop for
a search – what are they chances we’d even get stopped?? Reece was clearly less
comfortable with this plan than I was, so I moved everything into my bag and was
prepared to take the fall. Anyway, I’m better at playing dumb than he is.
So I’m confidently strolling up to the customs line. I got this. Until I notice… They are
putting every single bag through an X-ray machine. This, I was not expecting. SHIT. I glance around for an exit
strategy but we’ve come too far. Too many eyes are on us. We're surrounded. There
is no way to go but ahead. I place my precious pack carefully on the conveyor
belt, heart pounding as I watch it disappear into the dreaded machine. And then.
It stops. Along with my heart. The customs agent leans into the screen to take
a closer look. This is it. I’m sorry Reece.
Tell my family I loved them!
We continue a few steps forward and I do my best
impression of “calm” as time creeps by in slow motion. Then suddenly – whrrrr – the machine kicks back into
gear. My bag reappears triumphantly out the other side. I avoid eye contact as
I snatch it from the belt and keep walking, head down, towards freedom. And that’s
when we met THE BUTTON. We’ve come this far. Good Lord don’t stop us now!
Each person in line gives it a whack. Green. Green. Green.
Green. Green. I watch in agony as our changes of hitting a red grow stronger. Green. Green. Green. We approach, Reece hold his arm out and I hold my breath… GREEN!
I couldn’t have gotten through those sliding glass doors quick enough. WE MADE IT.
Outside and securely in our hotel shuttle, the hunger kicked
in, and Reece asked for a piece of the goods. “But wait,” he cautioned, “until
we pull away.”
“Haha. What, do you think customs is gonna rush out and surround
the car, guns drawn, and take our beef??” I laughed at his paranoia. Don’t worry my dear. You’re with a professional.
Great storywriting!!