We have come to appreciate overland travel in general. No lines, no security hassles, no luggage issues, no taking your shoes off (until you are kicking back in relaxation). As opposed to a typically pricey cab ride to an airport, you can take a leisurly stroll to the bus terminal that's usually right in town. There's a bathroom on the bus of course. And movies, lots of movies. We watched Avatar on the way here, in fact. Hot water to make tea and cup o' noodles. And the attendant comes around every now and then with sodas and snacks and pillows and blankets.
The most important thing that a bus has over a plane (if you book yourself a "cama" ticket), is that your seat is practically as comfortable as a Lazy Boy. There are few things I enjoy more than a deep recline.
On the overnight trip from Mendoza to Buenos Aires, we've learned there is a "First Class" option. We are anxiously looking forward to fine food and wine, WiFi, and a FULLY 180 DEGREE RECLINING SEAT!! Take THAT "2-hour flight".
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